eb Design and Development is featured in our work. Whether you wish to begin with a new site, or modify an existing site, we can help begin, develop and optimize your site.
osting for your Site is provided by The Web Elves at very reasonable rates. Our hosting is reliable and secure, and we supply complimentary programs for your use and convenience.[/expander_maker]
earch Engine Optimization for your website. Integration with Google Analytics, Bing Webmaster Tools and WordPress plugins. Text, image and video optimization, directory listing link backs, keyword analytics and more.
raphics designed for custom made images, posters, logos and more. Our special designs include image and video animation Find out how we can enhance your page and attract viewers to your site.
echnical Support & network setup for your hardware and software applications. Whether installing new, or utilizing existing equipment, we can help develop efficient methods in a cost effective manner.
udio / Video production. Live event recording. Post production editing. YouTube and Vimeo creation. Audio processing. Radio show setup and episode production. Commercial Advertising creation, voice overs and graphics.